Like the Donald Trump said, he’ll be a dictator on day one. Or was that dictator for one day? Given Trump’s bloated ego, it’s probably the former.
Of course, we’re all kidding ourselves if we don’t think he wouldn’t do the following if given half the chance.
Trump and his idiot cult minions will happily trash the US Constitution and our country for the illusion of returning the country back to the time of despotic monarchy. However, I assume because of their hubris and in-fighting, they’ll probably just settle for a Tammany Hall level of corruption and Robber Baron unrestrained corporate greed.
The result of their selfish endeavors will undoubtedly be a return to turmoil for the rest of us, those who are not financially privileged, leaving us to grapple with the consequences of their depravity.
Make no mistake, their goal is to eliminate the social safety nets of Social Security and Medicare, leaving millions in a precarious position. Their goal is to create a situation where affordable healthcare, consistent education, and affordable housing are nearly impossible to access. Add to this their Project 2025 plans that remove worker’s rights and fair wages.
They’ll simultaneously try to stifle free speech by using the courts as a weapon against those who dare to disagree, hoping to sue them into submission. If that right is stripped away, it's only a short step towards eroding the rights of women, LGBQT community, minority groups, and religious communities that do not align with their prejudiced Christian Nationalist values.
Pressure upon pressure upon pressure, until most of us are all struggling disenfranchised low-wage slaves preyed upon and trapped by the crushing financial whims of whatever debt we owe to unregulated credit card companies, private equity companies, debt collection bureaus, banks, or medical facilities.
That’s how the new feudalism works to make one a serf.
Don’t fall for it. Stay resilient and unwavering. Avoid their corporate traps and oligarchic ploys.
Trump and his followers, with their blatant immorality and ignorance, are destined to self-destruct like so many tyrants throughout history.
When this happens, just make sure you’re as far as possible from the ground zero of their self-destruction.
Addendum: I know I’ve stated that I didn’t have the wherewithal to keep making Trump cartoons but I blame this comic on Mike Gerber at the American Bystander (Just kidding, Mike, mister ever-so-wonderful genius editor on high…grovel, grovel…). He put out a call seeking submissions to the next issue, so I got inspired to create a satire of Trump and his creep family. The hardest part of that was coming up with ideas that parody what is already a comedy of terrors.
Unfortunately this particular comic didn’t make the cut for the next Bystander, but no problemo. There’s no sense in just letting this sit on the shelf, so instead my fine bunch of subscribers here on Substack get to see my creation.
However for my sanity, don’t expect political satire to be a regular thing with me. It’s too mentally draining, like watching a non-stop train wreck. I’d rather mix up my comics with plenty of other topics outside of dwelling on our current confederacy of dunces.
I’m sure you’ll also need that change of pace now and then.
By the way, in case you haven’t seen it, the latest issue of Freaky Magazine is out and yours truly has a comic in it. If you love weird humor that recalls old magazines like Sick, Crazy or Plop, you’ll love Freaky. Also, note your calendar to keep an eye out for an upcoming issue of the American Bystander in January. It’s going to be a giant issue with outstanding humor, well worth a subscription!
Until next time, stay feudal free.
Too real.
Thank you for letting us enjoy your Trump Terrors. Like Shalom Auschlander said as he was walking back to the train from seeing the ovens of Auschwitz, "Sometimes all you can do is laugh."
That said, I appreciate your need to ration the focus on the Trump Follies, but don't give up. In today's news, Bill Maher said I might quit doing the last contracted seasons of Real Time because he's done all he can do re: Trump. That's like the sun setting to think the satirists are already throwing in the towel. This is exactly the time to rev up the motors and light the Roman candles. If the flag flying over Ft. McHenry can remain flying after being bombarded by the British Navy, we can keep the barbs coming. Even if they're rationed. As I commented on the Maher article, write AROUND Trump. Don't ever mention his name, but write about all the silly things his minions do. Leaving his name out of it will drive him insane. No better way to deal with a sociopath.