Road bikers, especially those who do the Death Ride through the Sierra Nevada, have my deepest respect and pity. Mountains bikers, however, have such a cavalier attitude toward the environment and other trail users, I would be pleased to vehicularlly assault one of them. cha-cha-chung!

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As a cyclist who enjoys both types of cycling, let me apologize for the boneheads that ride willy nilly over nature. Thankfully though nature eventually gives them a quick and painful lesson in respect and humility to correct their ways when they try log or cliff jumping on a bike. They then learn that there's a reason why rail trails and gravel paved paths exist, free from broken bones and destroyed nature.

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Good for Nature! Other than the half dozen or so near hits between me and bikers, I finally had to quit hiking my favorite trails because of all the little trails cut through the understory by bikers. It became quite a mess.

Say, did I ever give you a copy of my novel, Ghost in the Forest? You were so generous when I subscribed to your newsletter, but I can't remember returning the favor. I've ordered a few copies. If you would like one, email me your mailing address and I'll send a freshly minted, signed copy. It's not only about my favorite wild beast, cougar, but I lovingly dish out my revenge, served icy cold, to the mountain bikers of the Sierra Nevada.

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Yes. I hate that those dopes don't understand what erosion issues they cause or in the Southwest how they destroy the crucial plant supporting soil crusts that take dozens or even hundreds of years to form.

BTW, I'll take you up on the book offer.

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So true. No only destroying plant life and causing erosion, but they actually think they are environmentally correct because they ride bikes. The arrogance of Truckee bikers, for example, is maddening. It's all about them and to hell with everyone else. Oh Ed, don't get me started. .... Oh wait! you already have. hehehehehe

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I can’t decide if I love your sketches or verbal descriptions of those guys more.

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Very good courtroom sketch!!!!

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