The following is the actual letter I’ve submitted to Colorado Senate Minority Leader Paul Lundeen after his sudden fit of craven fealty over letting a painting hang that portrayed our dear leader in a displeasing manner.
Senator Paul Lundeen
200 E Colfax
RM 346
Denver, CO 80203
United States
Dear State Senator Lundeen,
It’s come to my attention that the portrait of President Donald Trump, which was hanging in the Colorado State Capitol, has been removed due to its overall horrendous portrayal of this great man.
Although I do have to admit that it’s somewhat baffling that Republicans would suddenly find the portrait so distasteful. Especially since Colorado Republicans paid $100K to have it created and have been gleefully letting this bloated, rotund visage peer down at them since 2019!
One can only surmise that the painter of this work used some Dorian Gray black magic to render this art pleasing to the eye while subliminally dulling the senses to its actual horror!
Republicans must have been very thankful when his high holiness, our golden savior Donald Trump, received news about this dastardly depiction and then flew down, like an angel from on high, to intercede, and save them from any further eye and brain damage inflicted by this art.
President Trump’s bellicose whining over the phone about this painting must have acted like the trumpets tumbling the walls of Jericho and broken the mesmerism this painting cast over all of you.
Huzzah! The light of truth was lit! You’ve removed that dabbled evil in oils and cast it onto the bonfires of hidden history!
Unfortunately, this little magic trick cost you $100K and wasted time. But alas, such is the price to reach true clarity.
Speaking of clarity, now that you’ve gained the ability to see your chosen demigod as he is, please allow me to offer you my artistic services.
I gladly offer you one of my works, FREE OF CHARGE, to hang in the Colorado State Capitol. It truly depicts President Donald Trump in all his magnificent, emperor-like glory.
E.R. Flynn
Vancouver, WA
See artwork attached for submission:
I find it both hilarious and flabbergasting that art I created in 2020 can still be used for relevant satire.
Couldn’t help it. I just saw this elsewhere
Incredible art! Best I’ve seen. Brilliant!