During times of ridiculous ineptitude and spineless behavior in government, I think it's the duty of artists everywhere to enjoy as many opportunities as possible for mockery and satire.
Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant. Do you think the dear congressman actually laid his illiterate eyes upon it? I'll bet it sent riotous laughter through his secretarial pool. They need all the humor they can get to work for this boob. And thank you for sharing it with all of us. And that comic! OY!
I honestly hope he send a response. I also included his contact info so others can submit a Donald "portrait!" The emperor truly has no clothes...nor a thick skin against ridicule!
Alas, he's so delusional, I'm surprised anything gets through to him. This latest "national security violation" seems to have hit the brick wall of his mind.
Couldn’t help it. I just saw this elsewhere
During times of ridiculous ineptitude and spineless behavior in government, I think it's the duty of artists everywhere to enjoy as many opportunities as possible for mockery and satire.
Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant. Do you think the dear congressman actually laid his illiterate eyes upon it? I'll bet it sent riotous laughter through his secretarial pool. They need all the humor they can get to work for this boob. And thank you for sharing it with all of us. And that comic! OY!
I honestly hope he send a response. I also included his contact info so others can submit a Donald "portrait!" The emperor truly has no clothes...nor a thick skin against ridicule!
Alas, he's so delusional, I'm surprised anything gets through to him. This latest "national security violation" seems to have hit the brick wall of his mind.
Incredible art! Best I’ve seen. Brilliant!